How to Get Your People & Profits Flourishing

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Helping producers in Kenya build a business where both the people and profits flourish.

Life is too short to build a business that barely breaks even

The average person spends the majority of their waking hours working for a company that’s barely breaking even when they should be working for a business where both people and profits flourish.

Most people are either:

  1. At work
  2. Traveling to/from work
  3. Thinking about work

Even thinking about work creates the same physiological response in the body. As a result, your stress system can’t tell the difference between actually being AT work and just thinking ABOUT work.

Please do your best to control your thoughts about work. At the same time, we think you’re worth more.

You Deserve Better

If you’re ready to work at a place where BOTH the people and profits flourish – you only need one thing:

A Business Operating System

You’re ready to stop surviving and start thriving, all you need is a business operating system.

Think of Your Phone

Turn on your phone. What do you see? The same logo every time – Apple, Android, etc. Your phone wouldn’t function if it wasn’t built on an underlying Operating System. Because of this, all the apps on your phone a tailored to work ON TOP of your phone’s OS. If all you had were apps and no OS underneath, your phone wouldn’t work.

Stop Downloading Apps

Most businesses hire experts to optimize specific parts of their business without addressing the underlying operating system. As a result, it’s like downloading more apps without looking at the system those apps are built on.

Update Your Business OS

If you’re business was built perfectly from the get go, you still need to update your Operating System. The passage of time changes what works and what doesn’t. As a result, your business needs an OS audit at each milestone.

“What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.”

Firstly, as Marshall Goldsmith’s book suggests, what led to success in the beginning of your business won’t lead to flourishing in this season. It’s different when you’re a solopreneur start up than a $5MM company with 100 people.

“Nothing Fails Like Success”

Secondly, remember when things work at the beginning stages, owners and leaders get attached to that way of doing things. In other words, as things grow, continuing to do things the way we always have eventually leads to failure.

What Size Shoe Do You Wear?

Lastly, stop trying to force your way into the pair of shoes you wore as a child. They were the right size when you were young but trying them on now is painful.

Update Your OS Today

When you’re ready to see your people and profits flourish, install a new operating system. You deserve to flourish.


  1. Read This Book!
  2. Take These Courses!
  3. Hire Us!

Life’s too short to work for a company that thinks that ensuring people and profits flourish is impossible. If you’re the owner, why would you dedicate your life to building a business where it’s either/or? Build a business that is both/and.