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What are Foundational Frameworks? Part 2

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The Brain Works in Analogies & Stories

The best way to explain Foundational Frameworks is in a way the brain understands: analogies & stories.

The Power Plant That Couldn’t

Years ago, a power plant completely shut down mid-operation.

The grid that it was supporting went completely black. As you can imagine, the manager on duty was for freaking out.

In Case of Emergency, Call an Expert

He was losing his mind. And so he called an electrician to come out and help him figure out what had happened and why everything had gone dark.

The electrician showed up and quickly surveyed the scene. She opened up the circuit breaker box turned one screw and everything lit back up. Everything came back on and the entire grid was reactivated.

Time Does Not Equal Money

Now that all the homes and all the businesses had power again, the manager on duty was ecstatic! Crisis averted! Elated, he turned to the electrician and asked how much the bill would be.

The electrician gave the manager a bill for $10,000 and the manager was losing his mind again, wondering aloud, “how in the world could you possibly be giving me a bill for $10,000? You were here for maybe five minutes!”

And the electrician said, “well, turning the screw, that only cost you $1. Knowing which screw to turn, that costs you $9,999.”

Knowing Which Screw to Turn

Foundational Frameworks are a lot like that as well. Knowing the Frameworks is like knowing which screw to turn so that everything else lights back up, the Foundational Frameworks themselves are like the screw and screwdriver. We teach our clients to be like the electrician in the story. How much is knowing which screw to turn in each given situation worth? It’s not a question of time spent, it’s a question of value added.

Complex But Not Confusing

While it’s true that business is complex, it doesn’t have to be confusing. A massive circuit board for a major power plant is complex, but to an expert electrician, it isn’t confusing.

That’s What We Do For People

We meet with coffee business owners weekly to equip them with proven Frameworks so they can grow their business without burning out their people. It’s complex, but not confusing. In fact, when you have the right tools for the job in your tool belt – it’s actually pretty simple.

1 thought on “What are Foundational Frameworks? Part 2”

  1. Pingback: What is a Foundational Framework? Part 4 - Threadbare Coffee Company

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