Your Mission Statement & Guiding Principles: Part 1

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Have you ever boarded a plane and wondered to yourself:

“Where is This Plane Going?”

If you’re anything like us, you would never even dream of getting on a plane if you didn’t know the destination.

Sounds Crazy, Right?

And yet, that’s what often happens in business. We bring people onboard and when they ask “where is this plane going?” we can’t give them a straight answer. Here’s a simple shift that will change your life:

Your Mission Statement = Your Flight Plan

Airplanes aren’t allowed to leave the ground without a flight plan filed, and for good reason. People don’t feel safe getting onboard something if they don’t know where it’s going, why it’s going there, and about how long it’ll take.

Here’s the Bad News

Most mission statements seriously stink. They don’t tell people where we’re going, why we’re going there, or how long it’ll take. That’s like asking people to get on the plane but refusing to tell them where the plane is going… and then convincing them there are delicious cookies and coffee so they shouldn’t care.

How Would You Feel?

If that were the case, would you be alright with that? Of course not!

Here’s the GOOD News

People want to know where they’re going. Period. The GOOD news is: it isn’t hard! We’ll show you how to craft a GREAT mission statement.

A Great Mission Statement Has 5 Things

It doesn’t need to be complicated! Just make sure you’re mission statement has these 5 things:

  1. Your WHY
  2. Your Story
  3. Your Critical Actions
  4. Your Key Characteristics
  5. Your Actual Mission (*SPOILER ALERT* It’s not what you might think!)